How would you like to see your local store(s) carry our products? You can help us do that by simply handing the letter below to every store (owner) you'd like to see carry our products!
Just print this letter and give it to your favorite store that carries personal care items. If they decide to add our products to their inventory, you can be eligible to receive up to $200 worth of our products absolutely FREE, as our way of saying "thank you" for your efforts!
Again, just print and give the form letter to the buyer/owner of personal care products. When the store calls you to let you know they have our products in stock, Customer Service us with your full name and the name of the store. Once verified, your products worth $200 retail will be shipped to you.
In advance, we appreciate your helping us reach more people with our products in your local area. Those who shop where you shop will soon thank you for your efforts too! So, in advance, thank you, again!
Happy Shaving,
John Scala
The New York Shaving Company